Napoleon Contreras Tostador y Catador de Café



I tasted my first cup of coffee at the tender age of 8 from the hand of my grandmother.

Much later I discovered my grandparents’ relationship with coffee in Santander, Colombia, but that is another story, then destiny took my parents to Venezuela, where I was born and some time later I discovered specialty coffee with the master Pietro Carbone and I knew that coffee is my origin and my destiny.

I roast coffee and I love making it, developing flavors and fragrances, exporting its origins and taking it to the maximum of its potential, drinking it and exploring its soul.

In Venzuela I discovered different origins and more than anything else the history of coffee itself from before its arrival in America to the post-harvest processes that today are rediscovered.

On the other hand, in Colombia I learned to appreciate its complexity, the biodiversity and geography of coffee that makes the coffee bean so complex and marvelous.

I am a professional in Digital Marketing and eventually I specialized in SEO but I am more of a Roaster and coffee taster by passion.

Between marketing meetings I took the opportunity to share with clients or friends a different coffee each time and evangelize each one of them.

Perfil profesional

Agente Comercial, Tostador, Analista de café y Barista, en estos últimos años he estado tostando café comercial y de especialidad.

Experiencia profesional

  • Comercial, El Prístino Café , Bogotá, Colombia, enero a  junio 2019
  • Barista, Tostador de Café en KAFO café, Bogotá, Colombia. mayo, 2017 a dic, 2018
  • Comercial, Café Mesa de Los Santos, Bogotá, Colombia. 2015 a 2017


Lic. Administración de Empresas, Universidad de Santander, Colombia. Ago, 2008

Técnico de Publicidad, IUNP. Caracas, Venezuela. Dic. 2000


Cursos de Marketing digital, ventas y posicionamiento

  • Master de SEO Avanzado, Webpositer Academy
  • e-Commerce, Platzi
  • SEO: Posicionamiento en Buscadores, Platzi

Cursos de formación en café

  • Fermentación en Café, Tecnicafe. 2020
  • Sensory Skill Foundation SCA – Ricardo Villegas, 2019
  • Pre Q Grader Arabica, Cafenorte, Cartago Valle, Colombia, 2018
  • Roasting intermediate SCA Pietro Carbone, 2018
  • Roasting Foundation  SCA – Pietro Carbone, 2018
  • Brewing Foundation  SCA – Pietro Carbone, 2018
  • Brewing Intermediate SCA – Pietro Carbone, 2018
  • Barista Skills Foundation SCA – Pietro Carbone, 2015
  • Introduction to Coffee SCA – Ricardo Villegas, 2015
  • Básico en Barismo, SENA, Bogotá colombia, 2015


  • Pasión por el café
  • Ventas y Atención al cliente
  • Manejo de equipos
  • Trabajo en equipo
  • Creatividad


  • Preparación de mesas de catación Asia, Specialty Coffee Expo. Seattle, WA 2017
  • Preparación de mesas de catación África, Specialty Coffee Expo. Seattle, WA 2017